Craig High - The Life-Swap They Wouldn't Show ...

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Louis P. Burns aka Lugh
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Craig High - The Life-Swap They Wouldn't Show ...

Post by Louis P. Burns aka Lugh »

My good friend and honoured Guest Member of Sensitize © - Campaigner, Musician, Performance and Recording Artist; Craig High once appeared and rapidly stole the show in one of the most profoundly brilliant documentaries I have ever seen. This really is a groundbreaking piece and I'm sure anyone going to the link and watching the show will agree. Craig doesn't back down and is a relentless Anarchist given the opportunity to confront and indeed topple toffs, Tories and the uber-rich. He takes no prisoners. Crank your volume up and flip to full screen for this show folks. It is absolute perfection in motion ...

The Life-Swap They Wouldn't Show:

("Life Roulette was produced in 2005 and was a pilot reality show that never made it to its scheduled slot on prime-time TV. It can therefore be described as "The Lifeswap They Wouldn't Show". Make up your own mind as to why you think Granada TV and its parent company ITV did not allow it on your TV screens. It cost Granada TV a pretty penny to make and the only conditions under which the High family {on a dole budget} were prepared to do the show was if the production team could swap them with a family at the opposite end of the British economic ladder rather than pit two low budget families against one another. The production team complied due to their desire to have the High family involved.
The rich folk broke the rules set by the show. The rich guy even smuggled extra money in his shoes according to his house maid. The High family followed the rules. When Craig was seen to be ringing his mates because Andrew had rung his estate it was because the production crew had asked Craig to in order to see if they were ok. It was a set up in order to give the impression that both parties were prepared to go outside the remit of the program. They then filmed Craig from outside a window and put in the narration that he had decided to use the phone of his own free will. As ever the media and the capitalists did not follow their own edicts in their attempts to both win "the game" {for that is how they see it} and curry favour with Granada TV executives to try and get it on air by making both families look as bad as each other. Although a few dirty tricks were pulled by both those the Highs were pitted against and the production crew it still serves as a valuable indication that huge inequalities still exist in the UK. All in all the High family and their friends maintained an impeccability usually ignored by mainstream media in its attempts to demonize those on the bottom rung of the social ladder. 80 or so hours of footage was filmed but only 47 minutes made the final edit. To read Craig's assessment of his and Kiran's experience go to "

Click here to go to Craig High on Facebook.

Louis P. Burns aka Lugh
Administrator, editor & owner of the Sensitize © online community of forums and domain for artists, e-poets, filmmakers, media/music producers and writers working through here. To buy the Kindle book of Illustrated Poetry, Sensitize © - Volume One / Poems that could be Films if they were Funded by myself with illustrations by Welsh filmmaker and graphic artist; Norris Nuvo click here for N. Ireland and UK sales. If purchasing in the U.S.A. or internationally then please click here.


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