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Secret Societies & Elitist Scum...

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 10:50 am
by Louis P. Burns aka Lugh
Those who still pop your head in here to Sensitize may have noticed that there hasn't been much activity over the past two weeks. You may be wondering why. I have bit my tongue for this last fortnight but now feel it time to speak out.

An active member of here recently advised that they were leaving because on a thread related to our Healing Herbs (medical marijuana) film, I quoted someone from another forum. In that quote there were hyperlinks to another website where Freemasons were exposed in a poor light. That active member contacted me and said that if I posted anything in any way that portrayed Freemasons negatively, they would leave. Initially I thought 'that's a bit fucking much' but I worked with that member to stay and even suggested we do a piece about Freemasons so we could gather what other members thought of them. The member insisted that if I did that, they would leave. This ran against all of my political thinking and training within Community Arts, which is about debate, discussion and interaction.

This same member has now thrown another strop and demanded I remove all quotes I have made of them here on Sensitize and from past experience with this person and their cohorts on other writer's communities / forums, I know this to be the beginning of how they wreck (out of elitism and petty jealousy) the hard work of other people. So I told this member that I wouldn't be removing any quotes on the grounds that it would make many threads on here inactive. I also cited our Guidelines which are very clear on this.

I now find myself posting this message, in a bid to see what, if any, are the opinions of others on Freemasons, secret societies and elitist scum in general. If you have a view, either negative or positive on them or other clandestine thugs, please feedback to this.
