
Mehrez Aounallah is a good friend of Lugh's and a teacher living and working out in Tunisia. Both Mehrez and Lugh will initially be working to translate some of Lugh's poetry into Arabic. This forum is a place where Mehrez can share multi-linguistic translation skills, poetry, thoughts and writing with the other members of Sensitize ©. This forum is moderated by Louis P. Burns aka Lugh for Mehrez Aounallah.

Moderators: Louis P. Burns aka Lugh, Mehrez Aounallah

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Mehrez Aounallah
poet & writer
Posts: 36
Joined: Wed Sep 10, 2008 5:01 pm
Location: tunisia


Post by Mehrez Aounallah »

نار... تحرق..
لا تبقي و لا تذر...
شاب...يقتات من بعض فتات...
على عربة...
كل فتاتة كرامة عملاقة...
طاردوه... صامدا...
جبلا شامخا... لا يتزحزح...
بذور الكرامة تنشأ...
نارا أشعلها...
شحذ العزائم...
كريح عاصفة...
مزعزعة... صروح الطغاة...
بنيان تدحرج... تفتت...
إرحل... إرحل...
كنار حارقة...
تلتهم اشواك الطغاة...
كموج ينتشر...
يبني لغد آت...
لبسمة على ضريح شهيد...
للوعة أم... مزغردة...
راعية أمل شعب...
في الإنعتاق...
محرز عون الله
18 /01/2011
Summary: Fire is destructive and devasting. In the case of Mohamed Bouazizi, the Tunisian youth who immolated himself in protest against injustice and poverty, it has marked the rebirth of hope to the Tunisian people and led to protests across the country, leading to the fall of the dictator Ben Ali. This poem was written in hommage to Mohamed Bouazizi and all the martyrs who fell in the struggle for freedom.
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